A downloadable Cringe Exorcism

"Quotes About Hypnosis That Make Me Wish That I Had Developed Another, More Normal Kink, Like Becoming Fixated on Shoes, or Bikinis, or Girls Eating Hot Dogs, or Girls Eating Hot Dogs From Shoes While Wearing Bikini.

Because That Would Mean That Every Movie, Tv Show, or Random Local News Broadcast Wouldn't Come With the Risk of Me Suddenly Cringing So Hard That My Whole Body Feels Like It's Going to Turn Inside Out From the Sheer Pain of My Own Existence or My Entire Being Crumbling From the Fear of Someone Talking About That Scene for Days Afterward and Having to Hide the Fact That I Know Way Too Much About the Topic Without Making It Look Like I'm Deliberately Dodging the Question.

Honestly, My Parents Were Right. Too Much TV is Bad for You as It Leaves You With Kinks You Have No Idea How to Process, All Because Some Animators Refuse to Be Normal With Their Ideas." is a collection of the weirdest quotes about hypnosis I've ever seen. 

From Victorian quacks to local newspapers trying to make the town hall's hypnosis show sound fun, this zine has something to bemuse, amuse, and hurt every hypno-fetishist.


Quotes About Hypnosis.pdf 10 MB